Bird Control

Birds can be carriers of pests such as parasites and diseases. Infectious diseases, in particular, can be transmitted to humans. Parasites from pigeons' feathers and pathogens present in pigeon droppings can cause illnesses, including contamination of food at markets and outdoor dining areas by pigeons.

Pigeon parasites can occasionally infest humans, and dust from bird droppings and feather particles can trigger allergies. Nesting and pecking can cause significant crop damage. Corrosive bird droppings are also a serious problem for historical buildings and steel structures.

What can we do for you?

  • Locating nesting sites
  • Installing mechanical or optical deterrents
  • Employing targeted, effective methods for long-term bird control
  • Carrying out necessary cleaning measures

Call us, we are happy to advise you: +49 171-70 21 257